Sunday, August 16, 2009

MOM of two...

Turn away for a second and this is what happens too cute to yell at him with that smile...
Hunter reading his book with his famous concentrated look:))

Parker enjoying her playtime:))

So last week was my first full week with no one to help me...It was quite stressful at times... I wish my mom did not have to go back to work everything seems so much easier with her around to help. We miss our Nana. Did I mention my mom does everything from entertaining the kids to all house hold chores. It is awesome. I had some very crazy days and I can hardly even remember how many diapers I changed or who did what. I was able to capture some of our moments together.. Hunter has been getting a little more independent. However, when he wants to do something he does not understand why mommy can't or will not let him. He is used to us going outside to swim, leaving the house to meet people and doing fun things. Unfortunately with a newborn it is hard to do some of those things... Luckily, when my husband gets home he caters to Hunter and takes him to the park and plays golf with him in the backyard. I was able to go over to my sister's house on Thursday and we went to Chick-fil-a and played at her house. It was so much fun. Hunter can say (Eesse) and loves to play with her. I am so glad we are so close and do everything together she is my best friend:))
Hunter loves to play with his new vaccum, eat peanut butter, give his sister kisses, put her diapers away in the diaper geinie, swim outside, do anything outside, and be with his fav mommy.
He is saying lots of words: up, golf, ball, dadada, momma, papa, nana, eese (reese), paw (parker), and lots of others around 20 words.. I am to tired to think of them all...
Parker is cooing and smiling today I layed her in her crib on her stomach for tummy time and she rolled over to her back. This is the first time she has rolled over I could not believe it, so I tried it again and sure enough she can roll over form tummy to back. We had to go to the doctor today, because she was sick with lots of mucous and congestion. Of coarse we thought it was viral, but wanted to make sure since she is only 7 weeks. We left the doctor with nothing, it is viral.
Random post just had to get everything in that I can remember since I have been to tired to blog. I will get better.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

You have such a beautiful family. Sorry you have to go back to work already. I know it's no fun being away from those precious kids.