My angel baby..

Today is Parker's actual due date and Reese's 1st birthday. I was going to just hang out at the house all day, but changed my mind. I got all my many diaper bags and milk together and ventured out of the house to meet my mom, sister, Chris, Reese and my dad for lunch. It was really fun to see everyone. Hunter and Reese went crazy in the tunnel. Everyone thought they were twins because they are almost the same size. Hunter is learning new words everyday. He knows how to say Nana, Papa, ball, up, thank you, and Lola. He also knows where different body parts are like nose, belly button, ear, eyes, mouth, toes, feet. Hunter loves dancing around the house and is very hyper active. Today we starting blowing kisses too. He is adjusting to little Parker he is very interested in her and every time she makes a noise he wants to check on her. He is jealous when I am feeding her and holding her at times. Making the change from one child to two is challenging when they both need things at the same time. I am trying my best to be the best mommy possible and attend to all their needs. Hunter is still really young and very attached to mommy to make things a little more challenging during simple tasks. Here are some pictures from the week. I hope to get some of Hunter and Parker together it is just really hard.
1 comment:
It's hard being a mommy of two! It is especially difficult when they both need you at the same time. At least new babies sleep a lot so you have lots of time for the oldest baby. That has made things a lot easier. I don't ever leave my house either, unless I have my mom or husband with me to help, it's just too much still. I'm sure your doing great!
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